Welcome to my website. The Empire Apartments pictured here play a significant role in my cozy mystery series, The Jordan McAllister Mysteries, which have just been re-released and are available everywhere. The Garcia Girls Mysteries are now available in all formats and are also available everywhere. Yay! And I’m excited to announce that the prequel to the first book in my Military Romantic Thriller series SWEEPERS is now available on Amazon. Read about my heroine’s journey before Die Once More.
Last year I signed with Oliver Heber Books. It is a niche publisher, and I love being one of their authors. Here is their website https://oliver-heberbooks.com/ Check out the new covers for my re-released Jordan McAllister series, especially Murder For The Halibut which hit number #11 on Baker and Taylor’s Bestselling Mystery List when it released, right up there with Gillian Flynn and Michael Connolly. Sending a big thank you to everyone who made this happen. You can find these on the BOOKS page, along with trailers, excerpts, and buy buttons. Watch for the release of a new Jordan McAllister Mystery, Steak Through the Heart, coming at the end of October.
If you’d like to be updated with current news and information drop by my FaceBook page.
Remember, life is precious. Use your good china, break out that fancy lingerie you were saving, and above all, laugh until your cheeks ache. Oh, and curl up with a good book – preferably mine.
