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Raised in a small town in Ohio, number eight of nine children, I graduated from nursing school and worked as a registered nurse for many years. When I could no longer ignore the characters talking in my head (No, I’m not on medication), I went back to school and got a professional arts degree. Then I started my first novel.
As most writers will agree, raising a family and working a full-time day job is a challenge when you’re trying to bring those characters to life. Four beautiful grandchildren later, I wouldn’t change a thing in my journey (Okay, I’d outlaw rejection letters.)
Anyone who has tried to write a book and sell it knows it doesn’t happen overnight. I started off thinking I was a romance writer, but those evil villains kept pushing their way into my stories. I discovered I loved killing off people, then tricking everyone into believing it was the wrong guy. Wait – isn’t that mystery writing? So, I gave in and let the mystery in me take over, although I still love romance and sneak it into every story.
But I didn’t get my happy ending just because I now wrote the kind of books I loved. Oh, contraire! Eight years after completing my first book, I finally sold. I am represented by the awesome Christine Witthohn of Book Cents Literary, LLC, who challenges me to take my writing to the next level.
Married to my high school sweetheart, I’ve lived in the Dallas area over twenty years and now call myself a Texan. (The Yankee in me still demands to be recognized every now and then.) We live seventy miles north of Dallas and have two grown children and a large extended family that remains close. Did I mention my four adorable grandbabies?
Since I grew up with love and laughter, that’s always been the type of book I read. If it can make me laugh or cry plus keep me guessing, I consider it a classic. I love mysteries, always have, always will. You must love them too, or you wouldn’t have found my website. Thanks for stopping by.